Mad Love for Mother Earth
I love this big beautiful earth we live on and the truth is this is the only planet we can call home. I have always felt like I was deeply connected to our planet; one of the reasons I like Pocahontas and her connection to the world around her. Today is Earth day but really every day should be Earth day. I took a look at my daily life and really wanted to see how I was helping Mother Earth and also some things I can look into to further to make a bigger impact.
Something things that we do in our family are:
- turnoff water when not in use (I always tell my kids to save water for the fishies)
- turn off lights when not in the room
- driving our electric car whenever possible
- we invested in solar panels for our home
- recycle or upcycle
- reusable water bottles
- reusable bags and using those bags for multiple purposes
- using wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheet fabric softeners
- sell items we no longer use/play with or look for items on Offer Up or Facebook Marketplace before buying them brand new
- reusable straws
- using containers instead of plastic bags to store and pack food
- using Thinx
- support businesses that have sustainable practices
While I know some of what our family chooses to do isn’t practical for your family I would just ask that you choose one or two things that you think your family could do to make a difference. At the end of the day we are going to use what works for us. I hope as more people choose to practice sustainability more everyday items will become more affordable and there for more people will use them.
Some things I would like to look into to help our daily lives be more sustainable:
- refillable dish soap (we currently use the big jug from Costco but those plastic jugs usually can not be recycled unless the soap is cleaned out from the inside)
- reusable kitchen towels ( we currently have cloth towels to dry our hands, but I want to find an alternative for the paper towels we use. If you have a brand you like please share with me!)
- refillable laundry detergent ( same issue with the dish soap containers)
Some brands we love (some are everyday products we use, or they practice sustainability, and some of these brands even give back to charities that help the environment):
- Sand Cloud
- Whiskware
- JuJuBe
- Magic Bag Co
- Seventh Generation (also available at Target)
- Thinx
- Dr Bronners (also available at Target)
- There are so many more and I will continue to add to this list so make sure to save this post to use for future reference
How do you practice sustainability?